New Moon

Quiet creativity


New Moon

Get up, take a deep breath and start anew. You are ready to focus on the future again, dreaming and planning.

New Moon - this is a quiet, inward looking time. Like spring, we slowly wake up from winter slumber and sniff the air for the signs of fresh leaves and buds appearing. We shed the winter darkness and the shadows of the night.Use this time for nurturing your creative plans and ideas. Plant your seeds, write down your intentions. Play. Dream. Go easy.

Similar to taking your time to wake up in the morning, perhaps having a cup of tea in bed, doing some simple movements or breathing… the New Moon welcomes in the new dawn.

This is a good time to strategize, envision where you want to go and allow the answers to come through stillness or nature. Draw mind-maps, journal, be creative, play with ideas and options. Retell your story. Reconnect to your purpose in a new way.

It’s also a good time to come together and brainstorm with others; just make sure you choose wisely which energies you are letting near and contain your own power as much as you need. It’s perhaps not the best time to let your fresh ideas be criticized by someone who hasn’t walked the path. Like protecting your buds emerging from the soil from someone who would mindlessly trample all over them and thereby kill something that could develop into the most beautifully blossoming flower.
— From the book “Moon power” - written by Merilyn Kesküla-Drummond


